"Nudging for Future"

NudgeNight 2021

Sustain the Planet I Sustain Humanity
The NudgeNight 2021, an event around the topic of decision making, took place on 01.07.2021 in a digital setting in gather.town. Find out about our nudging topics and listen to the engaging Keynote Speach of Cass Sunstein.

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Nudging for Future

This year, not only “Fridays for Future” stands as a symbol for a sustainability movement, but also our NudgeNight 2021.

Nudging for Future – Sustain the Planet I Sustain Humanity was the slogan of the digital event. Our green mission is to nudge you towards more sustainable production, investment, decision-making and consumption for a livable future.

Consumption and production – driving forces of the global economy – continue to exploit the natural environment and resources in ways that have destructive effects on the planet. Sustainability is about using resources only to the extent that they are available in equal quality and quantity for future generations. It is also about decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

On this website, you have the opportunity to watch our Nudges and learn more about the reasons why environmental awareness and actual environmental behavior diverge in many cases.

Have fun!

Keynote Speaker

Cass Sunstein

Cass Sunstein is one of the two founders of nudging, a professor at Harvard Law School, the most cited American jurist, and served as Biden’s White House counsel during Obama’s tenure and today. Through his scholarly work and his various books, he has made an impact on our work this semester.

Keynote Speech

We are proud and excited to welcome Cass Sunstein as our Keynote Speaker at NudgeNight 2021.

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NudgeNight Keynote Speech 2021

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Supporting Professor

Prof. Dr. Göbel

In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christoph Harff, Prof. Dr. Göbel accompanied the NudgeNight 2021 for the first time.

So far, we talked to him about his career, his motivation regarding sustainability and the support of the NudgeNight.

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NudgeNight Impulse talk 2021

Prof. Dr. Göbel

Impulse talk

We were very pleased that Prof. Dr. Göbel was able to give the visitors of the NudgeNight further insights into the topic of sustainability through his keynote speech.

Partner of our NudgeNight

We would like to thank our partners for their valuable support and commitment.

  • Amir M. Sharif

    Amir M. Sharif is associate dean and professor of circular economy. A previous head of Brunel Business School (Brunel University of London), he has held numerous leadership roles. Amir continues to research and teach in the areas of food security, circular economy, operations/supply chain management, leadership, decision making, and humanitarian logistics.

    He is regularly called upon by international research funding bodies including: UKRI (UK Research and Innovation), the EU and numerous national research councils. He is also a board member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network Universities / Higher Education Advisory Board, a member of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Programme, a board member of Bradford Municipal District Council’s Stronger Communities Partnership Board and a member of the Climate Change Committee of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership.

    Amir is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport, the Institute of Leadership and Management, and a member of the Chartered Management Institute.

  • Itaru Shiraishi

    Itaru Shiraishi is employed by a Tokyo-based venture capital fund whose main objectives are the energy transition, mobility and resource efficiency. His responsibilities relate to covering investments in Europe and North America.

    In 2006, he became involved in climate change mitigation by trading carbon (dioxide) allowances (EUAs in the EU ETS and CERs/ERUs under the Kyoto Protocol) at a financial institution in the Netherlands. Although Itaru has changed locations and companies, he remains committed to climate protection.
    What drives him:

    “Meeting entrepreneurs who want to reach a global impact with their mission is one of the best things about working as a venture capitalist. They inspire and teach me!”

  • Manfred Rauschen

    Managing Director of Öko-Zentrum NRW since 1997, Managing Partner of Öko-Zentrum NRW since 2005. Member of the German Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC), Chairman of the Japanese Energy Performance Certificate Association, Chairman of the Shareholders' Meeting of B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Hamm

  • Rosa Strube

    Rosa Strube leads the Sustainable Lifestyles team at the Think and Do Tank Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production in Germany. With over ten years of work experience on sustainable lifestyles and future visions of low-carbon lifestyles, her current interest lies in understanding how behaviors can be changed.

    Through projects for the European Commission, German ministries and foundations, she and her team develop and implement behavior change interventions, including nudges, e.g. for more circular behavior, reduced food waste or sustainable nutrition.

    Strongly believing that behavioral insights and behavior change interventions are essential for a range of sustainability challenges and that new skills are needed for the future workforce in this field, she was excited to advise project teams for their Nudge ideas to be presented at Nudge Night.

"Nudging for Future"

Our Nudges 2021

  • Circular Economy

    The circular economy is a model of production and consumption in which materials and products are reused, repaired, and recycled for as long as possible to extend their life cycle.

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  • Corporate Business Models

    The basic idea of sustainable business models is to create added value on an economic, social and ecological level. Like a green thread, the ecological idea weaves through all processes of the company – starting with the vision and the strategy and extending to the everyday work of all employees.

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  • Corporate Impact Investing

    Corporate impact investments target sustainable companies while requiring social, environmental and financial returns. Finding such companies can be challenging since startups usually do not know how to align their work with the investors criteria.

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  • Energetic Building Renovation

    Energy-efficient refurbishment of a building is the structural changes to an existing building. Our nudge is to help reduce the consumption of fossil energy.

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  • Energy Consumption

    Energy consumption is the conversion of energy from primary energy sources like fossil fuels or renewable energy sources. It can also be referred to as the energy required for using devices, heating (…). Unlike the use of renewable sources the combustion of fossil fuels causes CO2 emissions that contribute to climate change.

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  • Food & Diet Consumption

    Secure, available, economically just, affordable and healthy – a sustainable diet has a low impact on the environment, contributes to food security and enables current and future generations to live healthy lives.

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  • Impact Asset Management

    The task of an impact asset manager is to decide which investments to invest in or avoid in order to increase the portfolio and therefore the social-ecological impact of his investor.

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  • Packaging Consumption

    Our Nudge addresses the issue of excessive consumption of packaging in the supermarket.

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  • Reuse and Repair Consumer Goods

    How can we reuse our used and used up products? This is the question our topic addresses. It strives to publicise and frame the reuse of products in a more attractive light.

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  • Selfnudging for a Sustainable Lifestyle

    We research possibilities how people can personally include nudges into their private lives to reduce their personal ecological footprint. Therefore, a behavioral change towards a more sustainable lifestyle is sought.

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  • Waste & Disposal

    Waste arises from the processing and use of goods and are materials that can find no or little recovery. Waste management deals with the disposal and recycling of waste, which is to be made harmless or less harmful to the environment.

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