"Corporate Nudging"

NudgeNight 2019

In June 2019, the second NudgeNight took place at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Corporate Nudging

At NudgeNight 2019, interested parties were able to find out more about the topic of decision-making and learn about nudges from the fields of energy and utilities, professional development, innovation management, corporate health management, corporate compliance, corporate communications, customer experience, change management and non-profit organizations at student booths.

To get an idea of what nudging exactly means and how they can be used, the guests received a short introduction to nudging at the beginning and finally a keynote speech on the topic “A nudge always happens.” by Mr. Jens Scharnetzki. Finally, you could exchange ideas with the students about their innovative projects before a panel discussion rounded off the fair.

Keynote Speaker

Jens Scharnetzki

Keynote speech on the topic “A nudge always happens.” by Mr. Jens Scharnetzki.(Yello Strom)

"Corporate Nudging"

Our Nudges 2019

  • Charge your Change – Implementing change successfully

    Do your operational changes also meet with resistance? Our solution makes things fun and successfully drives change processes forward.

  • Compliance made easy

    The implementation of corporate compliance is a problem for many companies, which we want to address on the employee side and solve with a creative nudge.

  • Continuing education in the workplace – seizing opportunities

    Productivity increase, competence expansion, competitive advantage, ... Good reasons for further training - But I don't have time for that!?

  • Customer satisfaction in online retail

    Happy customers become regular customers. That leads to happy companies. Win - Win!

  • Elevenator. Innovations. Initiate. Identify.

    The Elevenator Nudge attempts to establish a culture of innovation in medium-sized companies through regular, targeted employee meetings.

  • Increase willingness to donate

    We want to help non-profit organizations to increase their donations. Our nudges for this are integrated into the website of the organizations.

  • Job postings – using words wisely

    Development of recommendations for action with regard to the "wording" of job advertisements in order to specifically address culturally and gender-diverse applicants.

  • Nudging in corporate communications

    The nudge is intended to improve the response rate in internal communications.

  • Optimization of energy and utility management

    The Nudge starts with the cooperation between energy companies and customers and is intended to increase the acceptance of smart meter systems in households.

  • Workplace health management – Moving Change

    "Health-Ups" offer you a solution to effectively implement corporate health management measures in your company.