Nudging to Sustainability: Selfnudging for a Sustainable Lifestyle

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What does the topic mean?

We research possibilities how people can personally include nudges into their private lives to reduce their personal ecological footprint. Therefore, a behavioral change towards a more sustainable lifestyle is sought.

Goal of the nudge

We want to motivate people to sustainable change their everyday life by themselves. Therefore, our nudge contains an informative, a motivational and an attention fostering component.

    Needs analysis

    • Relevance of heating
      More than Two-Third of the energy consumption in average german households is due to heating.
    • Existing solutions
      Technology-based solutions (smart-technology) are not sufficiently demanded in Germany.
    • Status quo in Germany
      75% of the german households heat with natural gas and crude oil. Only 15% heat with CO2-neutral energy sources.

    Cause analysis

    • Cognitive component

      Stimulus-response connection; Automated and routinized action

    • Informationsdefizit

      Replicated information how to heat properly, but why to heat properly.

    • Physical component

      Convenience and ignorance; situational fluctuation before the cold.

Target Group

Every private person who does not use smart thermostats and heats decentrally with CO2-intensive energy sources (mostly gas and oil).

Added value of the nudge

  • Reduced CO2

    Reducing the room temperature by 1°C saves 6% heating energy. Thus, we reduce the private CO2 consumption.

  • Reduced costs

    Natural gas and heating oil cost 10-12€/m² per year in Germany. In a 110m² apartment 1°C less saves about 75€/year.

  • Motivation

    Self-nudging increases the intrinsic motivation to further optimize one’s behavior in a sustainable manner -> for the benefit of the environment.

How you can contact us:

  • Milan Rosery

  • Marvin Rohlfs

  • Janine Verhoefen