HPV-vaccination rates

The goal of our nudge is to increase HPV-vaccination rates indirectly by raising the willingness to participate in a voluntary youth examination (J1).

To ensure this goal, we want to introduce an email system, to inform and remind people of the existence of the J1-examination, to explain the benefits of participating, and to facilitate arrangements of an appointment for the examination.

This email should be sent out automatically to parents of 12-year old juveniles.

What does the topic mean?

Vaccinations are one of the most important means in the prevention of transmittable diseases. They aim to enhance the body’s natural immune response to pathogens by activating and teaching the immune system. A sufficient rate of vaccinated individuals in a population is crucial for the long-term success of preventing diseases.

Goal of the nudge

Our nudge aims at convincing more juveniles together with their parents to take part in the voluntary youth examination “J1”. With this, the goal is to increase HPV-vaccination rates indirectly, and thus to ensure a long-term improvement of the wellbeing of children and adolescents.

    Needs analysis

    • HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases worldwide
      In Germany every year about 6.250 women and 1.600 men get cancers caused by HPV. According to the Robert-Koch-Institute there would be sufficient protection, if 70% of the population were vaccinated. However, the actual rates in Germany are way lower: Under 50% of 15-year old females and about 5% of males are vaccinated.

    Cause analysis

    • Mental Presence

      Since young people do not know that the J1 examination even exists, they cannot participate.

    • Cost/benefit Estimation

      Due to the lack of awareness of the J1 examination, the benefits of such an examination are also unknown.

    • Omission Bias/Status Quo Bias

      While deciding between making an appointment or not making an appointment, people often choose a third option: Not to make a decision at all. In this case the status quo - no appointment - is maintained

    • Present Bias

      Due to the effort involved in scheduling, short-term costs (and benefits) are weighted higher than long-term ones. By the fact that the investigation can take place in a period of two years, said costs are postponed and consequently forgotten.

Target Group

Parents of adolescents ages 12-14 who have not previously participated in the J1 screening.

Added value of the nudge

  • Added value 1

    A long-term reduction in HPV-related cancers.

  • Added value 2

    The early detection of adolescent health and mental health problems.

  • Added value 3

    The creation of basic awareness of the entitlement to preventive examinations.


Daniel Klein


Marius Matthiä
