Nudging to Sustainability: Energetic Building Renovation

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What does the topic mean?

Energy-efficient refurbishment of a building is the structural changes to an existing building. Our nudge is to help reduce the consumption of fossil energy.

Goal of the nudge

The goal is for homeowners to look into the issue of eco-friendly electricity and, in the best-case scenario, will install a photovoltaic-system on their roof.

    Needs analysis

    • Cost saving
      In the long run, a photovoltaic system helps to save money because the electricity you produce yourself is cheaper than the electricity you get from the energy providers.
    • Climate protection
      The expansion of renewable energies is an important step on the way to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Saving fossil raw materials
      By using solar energy to produce electricity, limited raw materials such as gas or oil can be saved.
    • Return
      By selling the superfluously produced electricity and through the savings, a solar installation can generate a return for the owner in the inflation-beating range.

    Cause analysis

    • Costs

      The costs of a pv system for private properties are in the four- to five-figure range (high involvement decision).

    • Loss aversion

      Due to bias, installation price losses are weighted more heavily than returns (payback and electricity cost savings).

    • Status quo bias

      The effort required to realise the installation (status quo bias).

    • Taxes and companies

      Profit or loss from feeding into the grid must be determined in the EÜR annex to the income tax and submitted to the tax office in the VAT return.

Target Group

Are homeowners with a roof suitable for photovoltaic systems.

Added value of the nudge

  • Climate targets

    Achieving the climate goals

  • Energy saving

    Less CO2 emissions in the generation of energy

  • Return

    Return for the owner, through electricity feeds into the main grid, as well as savings through own consumption

How you can contact us:

  • Nils Kerber

  • Margarete Löwen

  • Laurine Böcker

  • Our mentor: Manfred Rauschen