"Public Nudging"

NudgeNight 2018

In 2018, the first NudgeNight took place at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Pictures of the NudgeNight 2018

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Christopher McLachlan

Keynote speech on the topic of “Debiasing” by Dr. Christopher McLachlan (Innogy)

"Public Nudging"

Our Nudges 2018

  • Consumer Policy

    A simple and user-friendly presentation of information on the Internet helps consumers to make the right decision in unclear situations.

  • Education

    An innovative point system to increase student attendance at university events, with the long-term goal of improving performance through continuity.

  • Environmental Economics

    Through visual stimuli and directed attention to social norms, the ecological awareness and behavior of our fellow human beings will be strengthened.

  • Healthcare

    Innovative drug package design can increase patient compliance and differentiate the product from the market.

  • Job market

    We have developed implementations for you that can be practically implemented in everyday work for a sustainably satisfying cooperation in mediation.

  • Power

    Fare evaders cause transport companies to lose large sums of money every year. Our nudge relies on psychological phenomena to reduce the number of fare evaders.

  • Sustainable consumption

    A pictorial and exemplary representation of an ecologically sustainable purchase, simplifies for the consumer to make an environmentally friendly decision.