Why Nut?

The Nudge “Why Nut?” focuses to highlight nuts. We want to increase the appeal of healthy snacks. Our Nudge aims to communicate to consumers the importance of nutrients in nuts. Our aim is to promote the consumption of healthy snacks through an information and gamification nudge related to the packaging material.

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What does the topic mean?

In the current situation, there is a high consumption of meat and sugar, which can lead to poor nutrition. One sector that is heavily affected is the snacks we buy for in-between snacking or for home consumption. Most sweets or snacks have very conspicuous packaging material compared to nuts or healthy alternatives. Consumers experience sensory overload when buying unhealthier foods, starting in childhood. The sensory overload is stimulated with the help of colourful, eye-catching animations or toys.

Goal of the nudge

The aim is to encourage consumers to adopt a healthier lifestyle and to provide them with information on healthy properties. The reduction of sugar plays a major role in this case. Furthermore, nuts are a good source of protein or a healthy alternative to meat.

    Needs analysis

    • Obesity Society
      In Germany alone, the incidence of obesity is on the rise. Diet plays a major role in this, as does high sugar consumption. Furthermore, obesity increases the risk of developing other diseases such as diabetes.
    • Inconspicuous nuts
      Sweets and unhealthy snacks are advertised more attractively with more conspicuous packaging material. Nuts, on the other hand, more often have a rather plain packaging material.
    • The underestimated potential of nuts
      Nuts not only serve as a good snack alternative, but can be used in other ways. They are a good source of protein and can also be processed as a meatless alternative, but this information is often not clear to consumers.

    Cause analysis

    • Lack of information und false belief

      Information on legislation on the properties of nuts is often not highlighted, thus the population is not informed about the benefits they offer as a snack alternative.

    • Present preference

      In reality, people usually prefer to consume in the present, thus they do not pay attention to future consequences, rather unhealthy sugar alternatives are consumed as a snack to satisfy one's short-term and present need.

    • Framing Effekt

      Due to misinformation about nutrients and attractive packaging material, the consumer is often misguided and tends to opt for the colourful, gaudy or obviously healthy product (e.g. high protein pudding with a lot of protein but also a lot of sugar).

Target Group

The target group is generally the entire population. With regard to nuts, allergy sufferers or people with health problems are excluded.

Added value of the nudge

  • Reorientation towards a healthier nutritional basis

    To provide consumers with more information on the healthy properties of nuts through the Nudge and thus rethink their dietary behaviour.

  • Stimulating a new way of thinking

    The information base will enable consumers to adapt their dietary behaviour to other products.

  • Reducing sugar imports

    To protect nature, this alternative could help to save CO2 and thus reduce the import of high sugar masses from tropical countries.

  • Plant-based protein source as meat substitute

    Due to their high protein content, nuts can be used to conjure up delicious dishes that can serve as meat substitutes and even offer more healthy alternatives.


Louis-Raphael Pollinger


Bünyamin Budak


Joel Safar
