
The UV Nudge aims to improve protective measures against UV radiation for people working outdoors.

The UV Nudge consists of the following three components:

– A motivational slogan on sunscreen dispensers encourages people to apply sunscreen.
– Additionally, a poster debunks common sun protection myths and highlights the dangers of UV radiation.
– An app notifies users about the current UV exposure at their location, provides information about skin cancer, warns against sunburn, and reminds them to apply sunscreen and protect themselves from the sun.

What does the topic mean?

The number of skin cancer cases has increased. The primary cause is UV radiation. As a result, skin cancer is considered the most common occupational disease for those working outdoors. Climate change further exacerbates the relevance of this issue. Despite this danger, UV protection is often neglected in the context of workplace safety. The main problem is the insufficient knowledge about the long-term consequences and simple preventive measures.

Goal of the nudge

As an employer, do you ensure that your employees take adequate UV protection measures? However, awareness of the dangers of UV radiation and the use of protective measures still seem to be low. We can help by using humorous messages, memorable information, and an app with reminder functions to raise awareness and motivate behavioral change. This way, you can reduce your employees’ risk of skin cancer and protect their short- and long-term health.

    Needs analysis

    • High Number of Skin Cancer Cases
      The need for this nudge arises from the high number of skin cancer cases among people working outdoors.
    • Climate change
      Due to climate change and increasing UV radiation, this problem is becoming even more urgent.
    • Convenience
      Many of these individuals are aware of the dangers but still do not take protective measures, whether out of convenience, time constraints, or underestimation of the risks.

    Cause analysis

    • Optimism Bias

      People tend to believe that they personally experience less negative outcomes than others, which is why they underestimate the risk of skin cancer for themselves.

    • Attitude-Behaviour-Gap

      Many people are aware of the importance of sun protection and avoiding skin cancer, but they still do not regularly apply sunscreen or take other UV protection measures.

    • Present Bias

      The immediate reward of saving time is often preferred over the long-term health risks.

    • Meliorationsprinzip

      The current benefit of having a tan skin is valued more highly than the future benefit of having healthy skin.

    • herd behavior

      People tend to follow the behavior of their colleagues. If nobody uses sunscreen, they won't either.

Target Group

Our nudge targets all occupational groups that work outdoors.

Added value of the nudge

  • Cost-effective

    Easily transferable and cost-effective

  • Health-promoting

    Reduction of skin cancer risk

  • Work environment

    Enhancement of employee satisfaction and thereby productivity

  • Absenteeism

    Reduction of absenteeism due to early retirement and illness


Julius Kosfeld


Celina Butzke


Philip Laux


Paulina Kaulard
