Nudging to Sustainability: Reuse and Repair Consumer Goods

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What does the topic mean?

How can we reuse our used and used up products? This is the question our topic addresses. It strives to publicise and frame the reuse of products in a more attractive light.

Goal of the nudge

We hope to bring sustainable clothing options closer to consumers and aim to frame them in an appealing light. Motivating customers to be more conscious of their purchasing decisions and their consequences is also part of our goal.

    Needs analysis

    • Excessive waste
      A significant amount of the Fast Fashion bought is discarded soon after purchase.
    • Rethinking of the consumers
      Consumers are becoming aware of the consequences of their consumption and are demanding sustainable alternatives.
    • Global emissions
      The fashion industry alone is responsible for 8-10% of global emissions.

    Cause analysis

    • The meaning of Fashion

      Fashion = Fast Fashion for a majority of consumers, because of the way fashion is advertised nowadays.

    • The importance of fashion

      Fashion is of considerable importance for one’s self esteem, affecting how willing we are to change our consumption behaviour.

    • Fashion as a component of sustainability

      The consequences of our modern fashion consumption for the environment are largely underestimated.

Target Group

We hope to reach consumers who participate in Fast Fashion in general, especially however young people, meaning: Millenials and Generation Z.

Added value of the nudge

  • Less Overconsumption

    Conscious fashion consumption and thus decrease of overconsumption.

  • Joy

    Joy instead of guilt when thinking of shopping.

  • Reusability

    More reuse of old and unworn clothing instead of dumping them in landfills.

How you can contact us:

  • Nisa Hatap

  • Ihsan El Hajjami