Nudging to Sustainability: Impact Asset Management

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What does the topic mean?

The task of an impact asset manager is to decide which investments to invest in or avoid in order to increase the portfolio and therefore the social-ecological impact of his investor.

Goal of the nudge

The goals of the Nudge are to reduce the complexity of investment decisions in sustainability goals, to create ethical awareness for private investment decisions, and to demonstrate the impact of private investments in order to motivate even more people to make ethical investment decisions.

    Needs analysis

    • Reconnaissance
      The private investor needs enlightening information in order to understand the opportunities, risks and impact of sustainable investment decisions.
    • Reflection
      The private investor needs an initial push to reflect on the ethical implications of his investment decision
    • Simplicity
      The private investor needs orientation guidelines to facilitate personal selection

    Cause analysis

    • Limited Awareness

      Limited awareness of sustainable investments and their impacts can lead to unintended disregard in investment decisions

    • Attitude-Behaviour Gap

      The Attitude Behavior Gap is mainly due to the risk aversion of investors, as uninformed investors often overestimate the risk of sustainable investments while underestimating the return opportunities.

    • Information Overload

      Once the interest in sustainable investments has been awakened, it is difficult for investors to make a decision from the multitude of different options.

Target Group

Our target group consists of private individuals who are interested in sustainability issues and investing in financial and capital markets. The focus lies primarily on young adults who inform themselves independently and have yet to become active themselves.

Added value of the nudge

  • Simplicity

    By reducing the number of decision alternatives

  • Awareness

    For the relevance and impact of sustainable investments

  • Clarity

    By personally committing to personally selected UN Sustainable Development Goals

How you can contact us:

  • Chris Baumhöer

  • Iza Stubinski

  • Friederich Bette