
Fish on the Grill

By providing targeted information, we want to broaden Germans’ grilling range and encourage them to partially replace or supplement meat with fish when grilling. Our aim is to use an information nudge to steer the eating habits of people in Germany in a healthier and more sustainable direction by focusing on the consumption of fish. To convey this targeted information about fish, we rely on eye-catching posters that are displayed at various selected retail locations.

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What does the topic mean?

Our theme “Creating choice” aims to provide reliable information. There is often a lack of reliable information both about and from the products themselves. Therefore, there is an urgent need for improved reliability and availability of information on key sustainability attributes to enable sustainable consumption. Furthermore, advertising has limited and little focus on more sustainable choices. For example, in our specific case, we would like fish to gain attention and be highlighted as a sustainable option through targeted billboard advertising.

Goal of the nudge

In general, it is our aim to contribute to fish being increasingly seen as an integral part of barbecue. Our aim is to establish fish as an integral product in the barbecue range in order to contribute to consumer health and achieve a better carbon footprint. By promoting the consumption of fish in grilling, we aim to reduce the consumption of meat, which should hopefully lead to a healthier diet and a lower environmental impact. In general, we would like to contribute to fish increasingly being seen as an integral part of barbecue. Our aim is to position fish as an established product in the barbecue range, contributing to consumer health and achieving a better carbon footprint. By promoting the consumption of fish in grilling, we aim to reduce the consumption of meat, which should hopefully lead to a healthier diet and a lower environmental impact.

    Needs analysis

    • Environmental footprint
      Fish has a lower carbon footprint than meat. Farmed fish in particular has the lowest carbon footprint among animal proteins. By consuming more fish instead of meat, we can reduce meat consumption and thus reduce the high CO2 emissions.
    • Health
      Fish is healthier than meat because, among other things, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and contains fewer unhealthy fats. Highly processed products such as sausage and pre-marinated meat are often consumed during barbecues. By increasing our consumption of fish, we can promote a healthier diet.
    • Purchasing behavior
      Barbecuing mainly involves the purchase of low-sustainable products such as steak and sausage, while the amount of fish as an animal protein is very low. There is a clear discrepancy in choice, as fish purchases play a minor role in grilling.

    Cause analysis

    • Status Quo Bias

      Status-quo bias refers to people's tendency to choose continuation of the current state and avoid change. It means that people tend to stick to established habits, norms, and choices even when reasonable alternatives exist. Related to meat consumption in grilling, status quo bias could mean that people tend to choose traditional meat dishes because they are used to preparing and consuming meat on the grill. They might adhere to social norms that support meat consumption in grilling and ignore possible alternatives such as vegetarian or vegan grilling options.

    • Mere-Exposure-Effekt

      The mere-exposure effect refers to the tendency of people to react more positively to things to which they are repeatedly exposed. This repetition can cause a person to develop a positive attitude or preference toward what is exposed, even if there is no other specific reason for it. In terms of meat purchases, the mere-exposure effect could mean that people tend to prefer meat products when they are repeatedly exposed to them. For example, frequent advertisements for meat or repeated experiences with meat consumption could lead to positive attitudes toward meat products.

Target Group

• Young couples
• People who already consume fish (fish sticks etc.)
• From 18 to 50 years (tendency 20 – 30 years)
• Supermarkets: who want to improve their sustainable image as well as their fish sales.

Added value of the nudge

  • Environmentally friendly

    Fish has a better carbon footprint than meat.

  • Better health

    Fish has some health benefits compared to some popular meat products.


Jakob Hayn

Pirunthavan Balamuraley

Miguel Klinkmüller

Manuel Aman