Nudging to Sustainability: Corporate Impact Investing

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What does the topic mean?

Corporate impact investments target sustainable companies while requiring social, environmental and financial returns. Finding such companies can be challenging since startups usually do not know how to align their work with the investors criteria.

Goal of the nudge

Both startups and corporates are not always aware of each other. Nudging start-ups to gain the attention of investors and ultimately their support is the goal of our project.

    Needs analysis

    • Lack of information
      Startups need to focus less on the technical side of their product and need to focus more on their ability to appeal to investors.
    • Metrics
      Startups need to use more standardized metrics to monitor and report their performance on impact and financial returns

    Cause analysis

    • Status-quo-Bias

      Status quo bias, startups often stay focued on the technical development of their product. Changing their focus to the needs of investors is perceived as a loss.

    • Overconfidence bias

      Overconficence bias, startups often overestimate the appeal of their product. They belief that they are better than they actually are.

    • Information failure

      Information failure connects to their error of monitoring and reporting incorrectly. They shouldn’t look for information to target standard investors but precisely aim for impact investors and therefore construct their metrics.

Target Group

The target group of our nudge are Startups which are inventing sustainable products and are in need of corporate impact investors.

Added value of the nudge

  • Higher quantity

    Higher quantity in cooperation between startups and impact investors.

  • Climate goals

    Helps to quicker fulfill the 17 sustainable development goals from the United Nations.

  • Motivation

    Helps to achieve the goal of a sustainable world.

How you can contact us:

  • Lena Söhle

  • Vincent Patrick