Corporate Compliance

Be part of the “think before you print!”- challenge!

This is how it works: Each department of the participating company determines their current printer counter readings and thus the status quo of their respective paper consumption. This data is documented by a Nudge-Representative and passed on to all departments via a circular e-mail. From this moment on, the challenge starts, with the Nudge-Representative providing employees with monthly updates regarding the successes of the individual departments and their percentage reduction in paper consumption. The timeframe of the challenge can be adjusted to the company – we recommend a duration of three months, as this has been identified as a suitable time frame to trigger and establish intrinsic behaviour change and to keep the employees motivated. After completing the challenge, the winning team gets to decide to which charitable organization a pre-determined amount should be donated by the company.

What does the topic mean?

Corporate compliance, derived from the English “to comply with”, stands for adherence to rules. This includes compliance with both statutory provisions and corporate guidelines. These also include occupational safety measures, compliance with the Code of Conduct as well as, for example, the reduction of paper consumption in the company.

Goal of the nudge

To be future-proof, companies must begin to take social responsibility by integrating sustainable processes and structures into their corporate culture. By strengthening the commitment of the employees, our Nudge serves as support for the internal transformation process towards a conscious consumption of paper as a resource and an environmentally conscious corporate culture.

    Needs analysis

    • Initiation of the transformation process
      To initiate a transformation process in a company, a determined and motivating start is needed.
    • Mindset & motivation
      Motivation and the right mindset are needed so that all employees work in concert and participate in the establishment of sustainable processes and structures to reduce paper consumption. This enables the employees to fulfill the requirements necessary for the change process.
    • Reducing paper consumption
      With 90 kilograms of paper per capita per year, Germany is one of the EU leaders in paper consumption - even though this has long been outdated and results not only in large environmental damage but also in high avoidable costs.

    Cause analysis

    • Attitude-behavior gap & status quo bias

      In reality, people often behave contrary to their own fundamental attitudes and standards. This phenomenon, the “Attitude-Behaviour-Gap”, can also be observed in the context of unnecessary paper consumption. Although, from the perspective of probably most people, paper waste is considered as negative and to be avoided, the annual paper consumption remains at a high level, especially in the work context. Additionally, this behaviour is reinforced by the human tendency towards routine and habit, which is referred to as “Status-quo-bias” in behavioural economics. This makes employees stick to old company structures and processes excessively often, even if they have long since become outdated.

Target Group

Our Nudge adresses any company that has set itself the goal of establishing an environmentally conscious corporate culture in the long term. Therefore it is essential that a good digital infrastructure for data storage is already existent. Since all beginnings are difficult, our Nudge supports employees in the initial phase of the transformation process towards an environmentally conscious corporate culture.

Added value of the nudge

  • Increased Commitment

    Employees are directly involved in the transformation process and motivated by doing the challenge with the prospect of having a say in the decision-making on the company’s donation targets.

  • Raising awareness

    Employees realize that their everyday actions have an impact on the company’s carbon footprint.

  • Resource savings

    Reducing paper consumption can result in significant reductions in running costs for the company as well as in resources used in the production of the paper.


Louisa Klewer

Adriana Löberl